Have You Thought About Your Digital Legacy?

Most people own some sort of smartphone these days. A large portion of those smartphone owners are iPhone owners. Apple has created a Digital Legacy option for their electronics now, so that you can designate who has access to your digital assets once you’ve passed away. And if you haven’t, your family can request access from Apple.

Chosen legacy contacts can access all of your data, including e-mail, photos, calendar, call history, health data, contacts, reminders, safari history, voice memos, iCloud backup data, and more. This may be extremely helpful to those who are trying to manage your estate when you’re gone, especially if you’re gone unexpectedly.

Simply go into your Apple ID Settings and choose your Legacy Contact.

For more information on how to do this, and what is and isn’t available, (for example, your spouse can’t see how much money you spent on Candy Crush!), click on this link: https://www.imore.com/apple-digital-legacy-everything-you-need-know


Happy Holidays!


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